Machine Learning
Neural Networks Blog

Clustering Explorer App

Clustering Explorer App is an interactive web application that demonstrates K-means clustering algorithm through real-time visualization. It provides an intuitive way to understand how data points are grouped into clusters based on their similarities.

○ Interactive 2D visualization of K-means clustering.
○ Real-time animation of cluster formation.
○ Adjustable number of clusters (K) from 2 to 10.
○ Smooth point movement with physics-based animation.
○ Maximum 10 iterations for quick convergence.
○ Physics-based point movement with velocity and damping.

○ Random initialization of centroids.
○ Point-to-cluster assignment based on Euclidean distance.
○ Centroid position updates based on cluster means.

Click on the picture to go to the app.


This tool helps users in understanding how K-means clustering operates, the impact of different K values, the process of cluster formation and convergence, and the iterative nature of clustering algorithms. It is valuable for educational demonstrations, data science learning, algorithm visualization, and interactive presentations.

Get the Clustering Explorer App complete code.

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